Saturday, July 4, 2015

The significance and proper way of oil message for babies

A mom of new born baby always have lot many questions in her mind how to do proper care of infant? How to manage routine? How to feed in a right way? How to give bath and above all how to massage newborn? When it comes to massage the very first question of all mothers is what kind of oil should I use? Every one of us heard from our grandparents that message is good for babies. The new born

Love to be touched, cherished, and embraced. All the kids love to play all activities which parents do with baby, whether to see a picture book or sing songs, increases the bonds. 

The significance of Message for babies:-

Studies have shown that the gentle caresses of massage can enhance growth and development of premature babies. Benefits for non-preterm babies are not as obvious, but given that the massages are fun for parents and baby, will not make you any harm.

Precautions While messaging your baby:-

Before giving a massage to the baby, make sure that the room temperature is appropriate for the baby while naked. Choose a safe area where there is no possibility of falling. Maybe it's better to put a blanket or a quilt on the floor or use a large bed.
For starters, undress your baby and start with the legs and feet, move your hands gently until you reach the chest and arms, with firm strokes. When you reach the upper body, cover the legs and feet with a blanket or sheet. Continue with the massage till the baby seems to be enjoying. In case you find discomfort and hear crying stop messaging or use light strokes.

Which message oil to be used:-

As for oil, I would suggest using by reading the ingredients and it’s recommended to use any light oil having almond and olives with mild fragrance. The Olive oil is Calming, nourishing, soothing, and healing. It contains vitamins A, D, E and K. Avoid using too fruity one, because the smell is stronger. It is moderately absorbed by the skin, it turns rancid very slowly, keep on tablet protected from light.
Ideally, if you started massaging your baby always say no to the commercially produced oils which have an addition of fragrance as it is not appropriate for a newborn. Mineral oil is not broken down by the body; it closes the pores and can hinder the natural function of the latter (excretion, regulation of body heat etc ...). Often found under the term “paraffin" or just mineral oil in products. These products come from petroleum. So choose the oil of company which has experience in good quality product creations.

How to start message:-

Pour a small amount of baby oil in your palm and rub your hands together to warm the oil before applying it to the skin of your baby. Just remember that babies are very slippery and difficult to catch when they are covered in oil.
Babies love skin to skin contact. This type of contact is essential. This helps them to grow and develop. Besides leaving you and your child closer together, the massage soothes the child when he is angry or colic. This is a simple massage that leads to the expression in English "I love you" (I love you).

How to do “I love you” message

Lay your baby on a flat, heated surface such as a fluffy towel folded in half. Pour a little baby oil on the palms of your hands and rub to heat the oil. Try to look into the eyes of your child and sing or talk to him while doing the massage.
1.  Please Note: The left and right sides refer to your prospect, facing the baby Trace the letter "I" on the right side of his abdomen, using two or three fingers with firm but gentle movements. Start beneath the ribs and scroll down to his hip, using the oil to leave the pleasant stroke. 

2. Then run your fingers from your left to right, in the baby's stomach, forming the long side of an "L" side.

3. Go with your fingers down on the right side of the baby's stomach, to complete the "L".

4. To start drawing the last letter, the "U" upside down, start on the left side of the hip bone of your child.

5. For the middle part of the "U", slide your fingers horizontally across the baby belly high.

6. Finally, go down with your fingers to the right of the baby hip. And repeat the series of movements sometimes while your baby is enjoying.

“I am participating in the #FirstLove activity at BlogAdda in association withDabur.

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