Saturday, July 4, 2015

Which oil is best to massage your baby?

Baby massage has been practiced in India , China, Africa and many other countries from  ancient time but it is recently discovered that this beautiful ritual provides (or at least rediscover) incredible benefits of mom-baby bond. In recent years, massage comeback. Today, all moms practice massage.
The concern of all new born babies’ mothers resides (rightly) in the choice of product to use to massage baby. This is understandable as whatever product one select to massage a baby is going to use every day and sometimes for several years .That is why moms always afraid to make mistakes!
                                                      (Image credit blog- )

Understand your baby skin:

First, be aware that your baby's skin is not the same as we do have. It is thinner, more sensitive and does not manufacture protective lipid film. The use of fat instead of a moisturizer is best for a smooth massage. The vegetable oil and coconut oil which we put in our bathroom should be kept for us only, even if we find it extra ordinary. This is because baby skin is extremely sensitive .It is better to prefer oil which is created with advance technology keeping all such points in the mind.
The wrong oil would clog the baby pores (in addition, they contain toxic substances for the body so say, ‘A BIG NO’ too ordinary company’s oil). I highly recommend you to buy”special baby" oil which created according to your baby’s soft and supple skin in the mind. If you select the right oil you will have the great pleasure and privilege to have exactly what there is in it!
Keep in mind that there is no good or bad oils, they are all good! However, they do not have all the same properties and the same effect on the skin of our babies.

Olive oil: It must be obtained through a first cold pressing, is the traditional oil massage for children in the countries of the Maghreb. There, the child is massaged from his birth to his/her 4-5 years, sometimes with a mixture of crushed pine bark and pumpkin peel. I challenge you to find the corner of the market. Olive oil is also present in the limestone liniment oleo if you choose to massage baby with this magical mixture your baby muscles will become strong and skin glow healthier day by day.

The Positive Attributes:  With many virtues and properties, it is particularly rich in vitamins and proteins. It is also soothing and antiseptic. It is recommended in winter because its main function is to give warm. It is therefore particularly suitable for babies under six months.

Jojoba oil: This is the one whose composition is closest to the natural sebum in the skin. This is also why I recommend it for oily skin.

The Positive Attributes: It is extremely nourishing therefore recommend for babies skin having little dry.

The Negative Attributes -: It is not recommended to use pure. So you have to associate it with another oil of your choice.

Sweet almond oil: This is probably the most used for baby massage oil, and for good reason, this is excellent massage oil!

The Positive Attributes: sweet almond oil is fortified with vitamins A and E, and is recommended for dry and sensitive skin, irritation and redness.

The Negative Attributes: Some babies have possible risk of allergy with it but a patch test on the baby's elbow enable you to select it.

“I am participating in the #FirstLove activity at BlogAdda in association withDabur.

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