Friday, July 10, 2015


Vinegar is known for its smell of spice and stronger flavor to the salad, however, few know that he has 1001 uses both for the home and for beauty. Because it is cheaper, it can replace several products and star in homemade recipes for hair, skin, throat and injuries. Let’s know different uses of this magnificent product called  white vinegar.

1.When we get hurt a greenish- purple awful mark appears on our skin. At first instance it might seems you   a worst idea to put some vinegar on the affected region, but actually is not! Vinegar ice cream in the bruising caused by strokes (no injuries) deflates the bruised location and avoids the appearance of these unwanted blemishes.

2. Among the many homemade recipes to soothe the sore throat, this is one: use a warm compress of vinegar with water and salt to minimize inflammation (Say 2 tablespoons of vinegar and half a glass of warm water to gargle repeated 4 times in one shift and  twice daily)

3. Use white vinegar on your hair to fight dandruff. The ideal is to apply during the bath after hair cleaning, move the locks, and leave for 10 minutes and then rinse.

4.  One who suffers with oily skin and do not want to spend fortunes on expensive products can apply vinegar on cotton and then rubbing lightly on to the skin to remove fat and dead cells.

5. Use vinegar to clean the floor, pure vinegar on the dirty area and pass cloth. It removes dirt and also keeps away the ants and flies.

6.  It can be used to disinfect the toilet.

7. Take advantage of the weekend to sanitize shoes worn during the week. Pass vinegar at all that were used during the week and put in the sun, It helps to avoid sweat accumulated and fungus.

8. Use vinegar for cleaning the glass doors. The vinegar solution and clean warm water does not leave scratches or marks until milky glass should be cleaned with Pope Vinegar and coarse salt.

9 Embroidery that is faded can be lived again just by passing the piece upside down with a cloth moistened with vinegar underneath and the colors turn to shine as if by magic! Color Fixation of clothes can also be done with it. The colored fabrics do not fade if soaked in vinegar before washing.

10 Replace the softener for something more natural and inexpensive, the vinegar. Using the product in the wash, the clothes are fresh, soft and fragrant and woolen garments are not fluffy when rinsed in water having vinegar drops in it.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Five High-tech Beauty Products to improve your makeup

In this busy world we all want to look beautiful. What if, without spending much time on our makeup. The beauty product manufacturing companies are now focusing new range of products which saves your time. The newly introduced cosmetic products now have an ability to give you an excellent result in minimum time. Females are now adopting new habits to beautify themselves. The companies also began to invest in products that provide convenience and speed to let women more and more beautiful. Do you love to try something new? Check out these five products based on super technology that will help to improve your makeup.

Vibrating mascara

What is it?  Its mascara that vibrates to let the eyes lashes more voluminous. The major difference between regular mascara and this is its vibration function, in it on pressing the button, the applicator vibrates. Precisely the movement of vibration helps to separate lashes and remove excess material that may accumulate at the tips of the lashes; this function is not in normal ones. Now the question arises who manufactures these? Maybelline, Lancome and Estee Lauder are the main companies offering this product.

Tweezers with light

What is it? For time to time It’s used to remove eyebrows and hair, you need a very good light to see the hair roots while removing. The idea of the clamp with integrated LED light is to enable you to identify the most discreet hair removal and make the way easier and faster. It is perfect to carry in your purse, and can also be used anywhere, anytime. Who manufactures these?  The cosmetic manufacturing companies like Beauty PRO, Marco Boni, Tweezer and Nullam.

Compact Hair straighter

What is it?  It is a flat iron for hair which is small and compact in size. It allows you to use it in the car also. It can be put in the cigarette lighter, heats fast and you can use to straighten or curl your hair. Who manufactures? Italy offers this product in the market.

Lip Gloss with Light and Mirror

What is it? Lip glosses that provide shine and hydration to the lips. The product has Vitamin “E” and does not contain wax. The coolest thing is the packaging, which carries a mirror with side light, making the product convenient and easy to use anywhere, even in the club. Who manufactures? Tania Bouillon, Gosh .

Watch this link to know its function

Electric eyelash curler 

What is it? Eye lashes curler very simple and convenient to use. On the tip of it there is a base of silicone reddish in color, which is white when the temperature is ideal for use. It works with battery or battery (depending on brand) and when bound takes 10 to 15 seconds to warm. It has the function to further emphasize the effect of the cilia bend and must be used before the application of mascara. Who manufactures this?  The answer is TOUCH Beauty and World.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Stress and its effect on oral health

In this hectic life where everyone is running behind money to earn livelihood stress is common. Indians are under stress and depression due to anxiety and financial problems. Untreated, stress can affect the mind and the body, including oral health. Stress is defined as the body's physiological response to situations or problems that may adversely affect the attitude or the body of a person.

 Stress is divided into four categories:

1    1)  Eustress 2) distress  3) hipoestresse  4) hiperestresse 

 The eustress is a form of positive stress. According to Wikipedia, The prefix eu- derives from the Greek word meaning either "well" or "good." When we attach this word to stress, it literally means "good stress".
 It is a motivating stress and allows the person to complete the project or work whereas the distress is a negative stress affects people through fear, frustration and sometimes anger.  
The hipostress occurs when someone is not under stress but can lead to more problems, producing boredom and despair.   T
The hiperstress is the result of stress when someone strives too much to meet deadlines. When stress occurs, more people are affected by unhealthy or negative habits that can influence your oral health also, In India people adopt such kind of habits like the use of tobacco and alcohol or, as stated by the dental surgeon Dr. Rohit, The risk factors of tobacco and alcohol - could influence the development of periodontal diseases.
In America also a study published in the Journal of Periodontology 2007 showed that stress interferes with oral hygiene. Fifty-six percent of the study participants said that stress had affected their ability to brushing and flossing. In addition, the hormone cortisol, which is present in the stress builds up in increasing levels and can lead to periodontal disease. Stress can affect people's health, causing the following oral problems:   

Emergences of thrush - Canker sores are small sores in the mouth caused by viruses, bacteria and immune system deficiency.   

 ATM / Bruxism - People under stress may have problems that affect the temporomandibular joint, as well as the creaking and clenching during the day or when sleeping.   
 Dry mouth - Stress can affect the level of salivation. Certain medications can influence salivary flow.  

 Gingivitis - Several studies show that stress can affect the ability of the person performing good oral hygiene. These are some of the problems that can occur when stress is present. See your dentist if you are going through any of them. Try to relieve stress by eating a nutritious diet, sleeping the hours needed at night and exercising to reduce anxiety and tension resulting from stress.

 “I am participating in the ‘Ready For Rewards’ activity for Rewardme in association with BlogAdda.”

Saturday, July 4, 2015

The significance and proper way of oil message for babies

A mom of new born baby always have lot many questions in her mind how to do proper care of infant? How to manage routine? How to feed in a right way? How to give bath and above all how to massage newborn? When it comes to massage the very first question of all mothers is what kind of oil should I use? Every one of us heard from our grandparents that message is good for babies. The new born

Love to be touched, cherished, and embraced. All the kids love to play all activities which parents do with baby, whether to see a picture book or sing songs, increases the bonds. 

The significance of Message for babies:-

Studies have shown that the gentle caresses of massage can enhance growth and development of premature babies. Benefits for non-preterm babies are not as obvious, but given that the massages are fun for parents and baby, will not make you any harm.

Precautions While messaging your baby:-

Before giving a massage to the baby, make sure that the room temperature is appropriate for the baby while naked. Choose a safe area where there is no possibility of falling. Maybe it's better to put a blanket or a quilt on the floor or use a large bed.
For starters, undress your baby and start with the legs and feet, move your hands gently until you reach the chest and arms, with firm strokes. When you reach the upper body, cover the legs and feet with a blanket or sheet. Continue with the massage till the baby seems to be enjoying. In case you find discomfort and hear crying stop messaging or use light strokes.

Which message oil to be used:-

As for oil, I would suggest using by reading the ingredients and it’s recommended to use any light oil having almond and olives with mild fragrance. The Olive oil is Calming, nourishing, soothing, and healing. It contains vitamins A, D, E and K. Avoid using too fruity one, because the smell is stronger. It is moderately absorbed by the skin, it turns rancid very slowly, keep on tablet protected from light.
Ideally, if you started massaging your baby always say no to the commercially produced oils which have an addition of fragrance as it is not appropriate for a newborn. Mineral oil is not broken down by the body; it closes the pores and can hinder the natural function of the latter (excretion, regulation of body heat etc ...). Often found under the term “paraffin" or just mineral oil in products. These products come from petroleum. So choose the oil of company which has experience in good quality product creations.

How to start message:-

Pour a small amount of baby oil in your palm and rub your hands together to warm the oil before applying it to the skin of your baby. Just remember that babies are very slippery and difficult to catch when they are covered in oil.
Babies love skin to skin contact. This type of contact is essential. This helps them to grow and develop. Besides leaving you and your child closer together, the massage soothes the child when he is angry or colic. This is a simple massage that leads to the expression in English "I love you" (I love you).

How to do “I love you” message

Lay your baby on a flat, heated surface such as a fluffy towel folded in half. Pour a little baby oil on the palms of your hands and rub to heat the oil. Try to look into the eyes of your child and sing or talk to him while doing the massage.
1.  Please Note: The left and right sides refer to your prospect, facing the baby Trace the letter "I" on the right side of his abdomen, using two or three fingers with firm but gentle movements. Start beneath the ribs and scroll down to his hip, using the oil to leave the pleasant stroke. 

2. Then run your fingers from your left to right, in the baby's stomach, forming the long side of an "L" side.

3. Go with your fingers down on the right side of the baby's stomach, to complete the "L".

4. To start drawing the last letter, the "U" upside down, start on the left side of the hip bone of your child.

5. For the middle part of the "U", slide your fingers horizontally across the baby belly high.

6. Finally, go down with your fingers to the right of the baby hip. And repeat the series of movements sometimes while your baby is enjoying.

“I am participating in the #FirstLove activity at BlogAdda in association withDabur.

Which oil is best to massage your baby?

Baby massage has been practiced in India , China, Africa and many other countries from  ancient time but it is recently discovered that this beautiful ritual provides (or at least rediscover) incredible benefits of mom-baby bond. In recent years, massage comeback. Today, all moms practice massage.
The concern of all new born babies’ mothers resides (rightly) in the choice of product to use to massage baby. This is understandable as whatever product one select to massage a baby is going to use every day and sometimes for several years .That is why moms always afraid to make mistakes!
                                                      (Image credit blog- )

Understand your baby skin:

First, be aware that your baby's skin is not the same as we do have. It is thinner, more sensitive and does not manufacture protective lipid film. The use of fat instead of a moisturizer is best for a smooth massage. The vegetable oil and coconut oil which we put in our bathroom should be kept for us only, even if we find it extra ordinary. This is because baby skin is extremely sensitive .It is better to prefer oil which is created with advance technology keeping all such points in the mind.
The wrong oil would clog the baby pores (in addition, they contain toxic substances for the body so say, ‘A BIG NO’ too ordinary company’s oil). I highly recommend you to buy”special baby" oil which created according to your baby’s soft and supple skin in the mind. If you select the right oil you will have the great pleasure and privilege to have exactly what there is in it!
Keep in mind that there is no good or bad oils, they are all good! However, they do not have all the same properties and the same effect on the skin of our babies.

Olive oil: It must be obtained through a first cold pressing, is the traditional oil massage for children in the countries of the Maghreb. There, the child is massaged from his birth to his/her 4-5 years, sometimes with a mixture of crushed pine bark and pumpkin peel. I challenge you to find the corner of the market. Olive oil is also present in the limestone liniment oleo if you choose to massage baby with this magical mixture your baby muscles will become strong and skin glow healthier day by day.

The Positive Attributes:  With many virtues and properties, it is particularly rich in vitamins and proteins. It is also soothing and antiseptic. It is recommended in winter because its main function is to give warm. It is therefore particularly suitable for babies under six months.

Jojoba oil: This is the one whose composition is closest to the natural sebum in the skin. This is also why I recommend it for oily skin.

The Positive Attributes: It is extremely nourishing therefore recommend for babies skin having little dry.

The Negative Attributes -: It is not recommended to use pure. So you have to associate it with another oil of your choice.

Sweet almond oil: This is probably the most used for baby massage oil, and for good reason, this is excellent massage oil!

The Positive Attributes: sweet almond oil is fortified with vitamins A and E, and is recommended for dry and sensitive skin, irritation and redness.

The Negative Attributes: Some babies have possible risk of allergy with it but a patch test on the baby's elbow enable you to select it.

“I am participating in the #FirstLove activity at BlogAdda in association withDabur.

Friday, July 3, 2015

What is the right way to brush?

Do you know that proper brushing should last at least two minutes, that is, 120 seconds! Most adults do not brush anywhere near this time. To get an idea of the time required for a good brushing, use a clock the next time you brush your teeth. Brush them with soft, short strokes, with special attention to the gaps to the posterior teeth, difficult to reach and for the areas located around fillings and crowns.
While brushing do concentrate on cleaning every sector of the mouth, as follows:  
  * Brush the surfaces facing the cheek and upper teeth, then your lower    
  * Brush the inside surfaces of the upper teeth and then the lower    
   * In then brush the chewing surfaces.    
   * To have pure breath, also brush your tongue, where many bacteria are housed.

What kind of toothbrush should I use?

It's not easy to decide what type of brush to use, since the market offers numerous types, shapes and sizes. However, remember that
 * Most dentists agree that the soft brushes are more efficient to remove plaque and food waste. Preferably, the brush head must also be small to be able to more easily reach all areas of the mouth, such as the posterior teeth.    
* With respect to the type of cable (for example, flexible or not), brush head shape (rectangular, conical, etc.) and bristles style (with flat-pointed, rounded, at different levels, etc.), choose what is most comfortable for you. The most important is to use a brush that fits well to your mouth and reach all teeth.  
  * For many people, especially those who have difficulty in brushing or limited manual dexterity, the electric toothbrush is a good alternative, because it cleans teeth in a better way.

How important is the toothpaste on the toothbrush?

It is important that you use the right dental cream. Currently there is a wide range of products specially made ​​to fight cavities, gingivitis, tartar, stains and sensitivity. Ask your dentist what the most appropriate type of toothpaste. When should I change my toothbrush? Replace your toothbrush every three months or when you notice it starts getting worn. Moreover, it is very important to change toothbrushes after a cold or flu to reduce the risk of new infection by germs adhering to the bristles.
These are some very common points which we should all take care to maintain your oral health.
 “I am participating in the ‘Ready For Rewards’ activity for Rewardme in association with BlogAdda.”
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Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Hot, warm and cold waxes are the most effective methods of hair removal

Girls and ladies use various methods to get rid of their body hair. They use depilatory cream to shave the fluff, hot wax in the intimate area, electric epilator on the legs, and slide in the armpit and eyebrow tweezers. Phew! In fact, not need of all this, because the effective hair removal for each area depends on the volume and thickness of hair and of how much the region is sensitive.  The Beauty specialists suggest that “everyone has its own preference. Considering the amount of hair, the ideal is to choose the method that suits the type of skin”. Remember that you have to respect the sensitivity. We do not recommend depilatory for groin, as it can cause allergy, or hot wax on fluff can burns “said the gynecologist Dr. kritika . She told that "I had laser hair removal in armpit and fluff, as few were left by the alternatives serve. As for the legs, also I do at home when I have a little time to spare.
Many ladies now believes that hot, warm and cold waxes are the most common and effective methods to get rid of your body hair. But to use this technique, it takes patience: the hair must grow at least two or three millimeters. "The hot wax is the best option. We often indicate who has enough at. It is not easy to apply at home; it takes some care not to burn, "explains the beauty specialist. According to the professional, the wax roll on, also called warm wax is the most used to clean legs. "It is a very fast and safe, because there is no way to reuse the wax (it is on - Nonwoven Fabric - when it is removed from the skin).”
 The cold wax stripes, widely used at home, it's simple to use and works well if the person has thin hair growth. For those who have no patience to wait for the increase, the blade and the electric shaver are the most common features and can be used any time. "She had to wear that dress and hair removal is not in day for sure the woman will appeal to the blade that is quick and convenient. In this case, the indications to avoid soap, not let your skin dry, and move the blade towards the hair growth and apply a product which gives lot of hydration,”
 “I am participating in the ‘Ready For Rewards’ activity for Rewardme in association with BlogAdda.”

Six ways to avoid fights in relationships

It is quite normal to have a little fight or a big one within a relationship. But when the couple is always fighting disagrees and teasing each other, this actually ruins the maintained harmony and happiness in the entire family. In case your dating or marriage have little - or a lot - conflict, you please look at six ways to avoid arguments maybe these tips can bring more peace and love in your life!

1.Not everything you think needs to be said: It’s my own experience no need to mention every thought in front of your couple. Remember the proportion is always 5 to 1. For every negative thing you say, five positive does it take to compensate and ensure that your partner feel loved, appreciated and valued.
We must nurture the relationship saying more positive things than negative. Set your partner saying he does well, rather than what he does with less perfection.

2. Stop before reacting: When reacting to a negative thing or something that you disagree don’t argue at that moment. As during that situation his argument is ready to begin, press the pause. When you stop to question about how important this issue is to be a fight, you create the opportunity to also assess whether it is the right occasion to discuss it. Practice the attitude in calmer moments, pausing during a runaway conversation. The attitude can prevent the conflict.

3. Identify what triggers discussions: Realize what triggers you and understand what are the things create conflict between you and your partner. Try to avoid both, when such things triggered, a person is more likely to be rational, calm and balanced. By understanding what the limits of it, you can communicate more effectively than harmful.

4. Why am I fighting? Be aware that some fights have nothing to do with the subject discussed. Maybe there is something deeper, or you are simply having a bad day. Try asking yourself why you are fighting as soon as possible and try to redirect the situation. As soon as you hear his voice increasing the volume, or the discussion has surpassed the five minutes, stop and take a break. Calm down.

5. Interrogate him about the discussion: Talk to him about the conflicted subject later and discuss how to avoid always having the same discussions, which usually happens to all couples. Agreements do not fall into the same redundant cycle around the same subject. You argue a lot about the children, Money, Housework, Family problems, Personality traits, In a moment of calm, negotiate its strategy as a couple to deal with a particular problem instead of plunging headlong into a fight.

6. Invest more in happy times together: It is more difficult to fight with someone you love and spend sad moments. Fill out your relationship with gratitude and daily laughter to repel the contempt and the rebuke of life together. Happiness alone is a great tonic against constant conflict.
“I am participating in the ‘Ready For Rewards’ activity for Rewardme in association with BlogAdda.”